Tremie Chute Quote

    Complete the form below & submit your request

    About the construction site:

    Please specify the type of Tremie would you like:

    Dry TremieWet Standard Green TremieHigh Strength Blue TremieElephant TrunkUnsure

    What length of tremie do you need?

    What diameter of tremie pipe are you looking for?


    What is your ideal repeating module length?

    4 ft tall sections5 ft tall sections7 ft tall sections10 ft tall sections12 ft tall sectionsOther

    What kind of Tremie accessory would you like:

    Standard Tremie Support Frame (10,000 lb breaking strain)Heavy Duty Tremie Support Frame (40,000 lb breaking strain)Tremie FunnelsLifting BarsUnsure

    To help us provide a freight rate, kindly provide the destination city, state or province, and country.

    Would you like to receive news about Superchute® Products? (required)
