Toll Free: 800-363-2488 | Local: 514-365-6121 | Fax: 514-365-8987 | Email:
SUPERCHUTE LTD. 8810 Elmslie Road, LaSalle, QC, Canada, H8R 1V6

Open 8 AM to 5 PM EST, Monday thru Friday

The Superchute Factory stands ready to serve you. Please call our toll free phone number to have one of our sales representatives help you with your inquiry.   We have designers and drafters on hand to help conceptualize any complex request you might have.

Planning a visit to Montreal?  Then you will not want to miss a guided tour of our newly expanded and upgraded plant.  The Superchute factory is located near the vibrant downtown core, and is only a short 10 minute drive from Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (YUL) .  Please call ahead to schedule your visit.

Superchute is CTPAT certified by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CTPAT = Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism).

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